I have once again signed up for NaNoWriMo. This is the National Novel Writing Month competition in which you are challenged to write a 50,000 word novel, or the beginnings of a longer novel as long as it’s 50k words, in 30 days. I did it two years ago. Last year, I failed…only reaching about the halfway mark before life got in the way.
What makes this especially challenging is that this contest (really you are only competing against the clock and there is no tangible reward) occurs during November when you are gearing up for Thanksgiving and Christmas. That makes the challenge all the greater.
I will post a word counter once it all gets started so you can follow my progress. And of course encourage me with lots of comments on my posts along the way.
And if you have any really great, unique, fun or even mediocre plot ideas or suggestions, please feel free to send them my way!
I was thinking this morning about how fun a story would be ending with someone getting proposed to via the drive through window at a fast food restaurant…no reason..just random
I’ve got a great idea for a story! These four middle aged women go to Las Vegas and…
I love both ideas…maybe 4 middle aged women go to Vegas and one gets proposed to at a drive thru wedding chapel!!!!